Sunday, February 5, 2012


On the off chance that anyone outside of Animal Psych reads this blog, let me explain what'll be going on here.  If the title wasn't clear enough, this blog's aim is to inform the reader on many different aspects of the tiger species. They've always been my favorite zoo animal, so I'm taking this opportunity to learn something about these animals beyond how cute they are.  I can't pretend that I know much yet, but we're going to learn together. To start us off, take a look at a few pictures to familiarize yourself with our topic of interest.  Next week I'll be back to dive into a little history of these great cats. Thanks for reading!

Photos: (1)  (2)  (3)

1 comment:

  1. I saw this online and thought I could share it with you. I wonder if the mother eventually finds out that her offspring is not really her own
